Friday, September 16, 2011

New Foods

Foods have always been a scary thing to me. For those who know me growing up I was a pretty picky eater. I didn't like things if they weren't brand name, if they looked funny, or the possibility that it could taste funny, i was not trying these foods EVER i once said. Obviously as time goes by either you tend to get a little braver or you realize that trying these foods there is a good chance that you wont die from it! With that a few days ago I managed to try Egg Plant! I had no idea what this food was until someone made a steamed vegetable dish for our team and with it mixed in with the other vegetables I couldn't tell a difference. I liked that dish so much that I decided to make it myself the other day. For those who don't know what an Egg Plant is, well my description would be its a fat purple umm, well that's all I got! Another new food I am pretty sure was first time I've seen raw was a Fig. Over here in France a lot of fruits are growing on trees and sometimes those trees seem to be in random spots like a parking lot that my teammate found earlier this year. So on our way back from the grocery store we made a slight pit stop into this parking lot. I was a little skeptical with this Fig so I only took 3, my teammate however took a whole fruit bag (you know at grocery store when you need to put individual veggies or fruit into a bag, ya that bag) worth these figs. Now the tree seem to be a tad picked over but she found her share of good ones. Now to my surprise when I tried this fruit at home I found it to be very delicious! Made me think I should of picked more, I'm not too worried though because we will probably going back that way again soon! My taste buds are finally growing up!!

Egg Plant!

My Veggie Mix


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