Saturday, March 10, 2012

Insane or Insanity?!

Starting Monday March 12, I will be starting the 2 month or 60 day Insanity challenge.  I am excited/nervous for it. A friend and I will be doing it in the morning before work. This might be a bigger challenge than actual Insanity. Mornings are not my friend. During these 60 days i will be doing possibly a daily update on how i feel or i might just do it weekly. I will be giving measurements every 3 weeks. Food is going to be a challenge but I will be doing my hardest to stick with it! I hope this works out!!! No I don't hope, I will make it happen!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

The New Happening

Quick short recap on what is now going on with my life. I currently live in Milwaukee, WI. Basketball is no longer something I do. I now currently live with my best friend since i was a kid and we are enjoying every bit of our location. Work is work, hopefully one day i will be doing something i truly want to do. I'll have to get back to you on what that is. That's all for now, maybe another day I will have more.